Sunday, August 1, 2010


I want to learn the advance features that screeenflow offers such as: add video action, add audio action, add callout, curve types, zoom timelines, and the other various zoom features available. I know these features will enhance my sharing/tutorial sessions. I also need to know how to eliminate the clicking sound of the pointer when presenting. Transitioning is a feature I have not used in screenflow as part of my production of an imovie editing, but all the advance features mentioned, will be on the… to learn list, for optimum results.


The next time I used screenflow, I included text in my screenflow and enlarged the pointer while editing my assignment without me being present on the screen. It was different not seeing myself on the screen and having to entertain/share. I had to find ways to make sure the audience knew it was me delivering the message, but all in all, I had fun.


The first time I used screenflow - I have to admit, I was a little intimidated – I do not like feeling that way by no means. Therefore, I decided to read the manual two, three times for proper memory absorption to get started with my first screenflow assignment, that was merely basic. I used the iSight configuration where your photo is displayed on the screen as you share information or performing a tutorial.

Photo provided by ScreenFlow icon.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

BP12_Picnik_Final_tutorial_video is a photo editing tool that allows you to edit fabulous photos and have fun at the same time.

Photo of June Perry, as well as supplied and edited by June Perry.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Glogster is a great way for students and educators to create and display their skills/knowledge expressively using a digital poster application.

Picture from

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BP10_Comment to Tonneche's blog

Follow this link to Tonneche's blog.

Picture from twiducate Web site.

BP9_Comment to Nicole's blog

Follow this link to my comment on Nicole’s blog

Schoology is an Web 2.0 tool for 21st Century educators who offer social networking and learning management for learners.

Picture from Schoology Web site


Schoology Web 2.0 application may just weed out a couple of my other resources that I researched for my AR project.

Schoology is a digital classroom for 21st Century educators that support learning management and social networking. It is FREE for educators, students and administrators as well as user friendly when creating and sharing academic content. It has it’s own customize add-ons for teachers and administrators, such as system customization for logo, banner and color scheme; and storage for on-demand data backups and additional storage. But, the add-ons are for a fee. Once an educator set up and develop a course, the grades automatically row over into the grade page once completed. Educators may use the grade comment option to stay abreast of assignment submissions, and add something like late submit, resubmit, on family vacation, did not submit – just to name a few. The application provides academic feeds to complement an educator’s day-to-day working routine. With each course set up the class can come together for a discussion, start a post thread, students comment on each other post, or whatever the educator request. One of the feeds lets the educator create online quizzes/assessment fast and easy. Schoology also allows the professional managing the account to activate and deactivate any feature based on any group or course design and roles. If an administrator registers for an account they would be able to manage a network. Schoology offer an online report card for quick viewing – parents can view the student’s assignment grades as well to stay updated. There is a 1-800 number for support. This is one of a kind, thus far and would be a perfect addition to my AR Web site project.

Picture provided by schoology Web site

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Xtranormal is an application you can create amazing virtual movies of any kind, for any reason and it can be created in 3D (3D shows all angles).

Picture from

BP6_Comment to Cheryl

Follow this link to my comments on Cheryl's blog.

Glogster is a great way for students and educators to create and display their skills/knowledge expressively using a digital poster application.

Picture from

BP5_Cmment to Kiylise

Follow this link to my comments on Kiylise's blog.

Smilebox allows you to quickly create your pictures into digital slidshows, ecard, and scrapbooking for free.

Picture courtesy of Web 2.0 tool, smilebox.


I am an educator who strongly believes learning should be fun, interesting, inviting, and motivating. I want to make sure I get every learner’s participation; therefore, I know I must incorporate learning activities that will certainly intrigue them. What other way would students think learning is cool?

A Web 2.0 application I explored that would raise learners’ eyebrows, turn frowns upside down, spark interest, boost creativity, and encourage class participation, is called xtranormal. After my investigation of this thought-provoking tool, I knew I stumbled on to something that would be perfect for my students and me. The xtranormal demo provided an awesome demonstration that immediately jump-started my creative juices… the same way I plan on setting the stage for my students.

Xtranormal is an application you can create amazing virtual movies of any kind, for any reason and it can be created in 3D (3D shows all angles). A lot of students are familiar with virtual worlds, communities, and movies; therefore, I should come to their neck of the woods. The demo stressed how easy it was to create movies without help from a movie crew… if you have access to a computer and can type in some words… you can be who you want to be (or be yourself) and create the movie you want, just pick your characters, select one of the many sets, and type or record your script to give your characters voice. The movies may be uploaded or e-mailed for sharing.

These are just a few ideas that flooded my mind with activities immediately upon watching the demo:

➢ I can create a 3D movie that might be for a science or math subject to see how the universe is manifested. It will emphasize multiple formations that will surely give students something to remember.
➢ To learn about the human body in 3D is awesome; it will show all angles of the human organs inside and out, bones inside and out, the heart inside and out, skin, hair, nails, eye - well you get the idea.
➢ I can host my own talk show (create a movie using xtranormal application) to share new information or ask students questions about interesting lessons/topics, issue of concern, what they think about projects/activities prior to it being due and much more. How will I do this? First, I create a lesson plan or activity. Second, I distribute the composed material to the class. After students review the requirements, I submit a survey to class asking them to keep it anonymous. Third, I can create a movie using characters who utter many of their responses from the survey. Finally, I show the amazing movie to the class at school then post it on the class Web site. I want them to be amazed about what their teacher presented to them… a virtual model animation of their class and the responses they provided… the way they would have actually responded. What happens next? Students start talking about who they believe said what in the movie, sharing information initiated, and collaboration begins. This will spark an immediate interest to visit the class Web site where many of the movies will be embedded as I informed them. Students will be eager to create and share their own movies with the class.
➢ I can create impressive presentations and power points to introduce the class to future lessons using characters in movie form. This would be one way to connect with students and be innovative.
➢ I can create my own news show series or create a reporter to share important information about educational issues on various subjects. This would be created to inform the class in different ways and to stabilize interest.
➢ During a holiday, I can make a movie and invite each student welcoming their parents to the holiday party via a email. This may encourage parent participation.

Picture courtesy of

Saturday, July 3, 2010



My AR project is all about staying connected with parents and engaging students with the latest technology, media, applications, tools, and resources while utilizing a Web site.

School social networking to engage students and keep parents informed via Twiducate Blog Web application & Post discussions are a great way for students to connect, socialize, collaborate, share, learn, and express themselves and their Ideas. Whatever concern the students may have about school can be shared and considered. Educators should consider their students’ ideas to serve as motivation; it makes students feel good about their selves. Students would be able to post what they would like to learn as well as how they would prefer to learn, because students should think creatively, regularly. The class can dialog about ways to stay engaged with activities, assignments, and projects to make it an enjoyable experience while learning at the same time. I would encourage the class to inform their classmates of their fondest Readings and post their thoughts, to promote reading. They would be able to tell what they enjoy reading most and why. I could create and compose the beginning of a story, post it and have the students compose threads about what will happen next until it is completed, or give a mind teaser reading assignment. Then request their interpretation of the reading to help build their critical thinking skills and to enhance learners writing and grammar. Posting new vocabulary words and explaining how they have used their newfound words is a wonderful way for learners to collaborate and learn. Problem solving techniques, projects ideas, homework reminders, and deadlines can be helpful resources and reminders students would collaborate on, learn from, and assist each other with. Posted success stories for inspiration and insight would boost students self esteem, aid in motivation, and be rewarding, simple by allowing the spotlight to shine on learners’ social skills, creativity, hard work, learned resources, and team work abilities. Their efforts would be published on a Web site and on a Blog so that each of the students would offer feedback for a job well done and/or constructive criticism. Furthermore, students would have the opportunity to complete a survey to provide feedback, solutions, and needed improvements about the blog. Twiducate Blog would be embedded on the class Web site, or they would have an URL link to follow.

Pictures courtesy of

Friday, July 2, 2010


FSO tab

AR/CBL tab

ETC tab

HOME page


I have worked for Baltimore City Public Schools for several years now and I have noticed it being a challenge connecting with parents as well as keeping students motivated about learning while away from the classroom. It is crucial that parents are actively involved with their child’s teacher and stay abreast of their child’s progress through out the school year. Therefore, I felt the need to create a way to stay connected with parents as well as engage/enlighten students conveniently via the Internet by building a Web site to collaborate, inform, notify, and share while using the latest technology, applications, teaching tools, and resources. My rss feed ivyacademia (the Web site of a charter school in Ca.) states the importance of having a teacher/school Web site. They mentioned what parents have access to when they come to their school’s Web site (grades, homework, attendance, etc.). They call their school a power school with online tools, parent access and involvement. Keeping students actively engaged in learning while away from school and the classroom. This is important because many learners lose what they do not use. That is why I chose: Go2web20-it offers a lot of great applications and tools to assist the 21st century educator in engaging their learners with applications such as foodical – it informs you of the food you eat; togetherville is an online community for kids; and lifeyo provides you the tools, to build the Web site you have always dreamt of. Blog4teachers shares loads of useful resources and Web sites, such as the hottest Web sites; the most popular teaching tools/gadgets and has posted a Federal free resource for educators like free lesson plans, rare photos, and movies. Edutopia lets you know what schools work, what high performing schools are doing, and keeps you abreast of the latest technology to use. Hotchalk is one awesome Web site; it provides everything to assist teachers, students, and parents. It also, has a lot of applications and tools I can use when I build my own AR project Web site. The Web site will permit the parent, the student, and the teacher to be on the same page – a Web page. Students are already using technology on their own and I plan on jumping on their wagon, meeting and teaching them where they hang out the most, so to speak, so they will acquire skills to build on and succeed. The old method of teaching is recognized for being the wrong way to teach today’s student – by means of merely textbooks and paper. The old method has proved not to prepare students for what industries are looking for such as working with others well; having critical thinking abilities; skilled with technology; developed leadership skills; team work responsibility/accountability awareness; presentation/public speaking experience; and how to keep up in an ever changing society. In order to make sure today’s learners are well prepared for adulthood and the workplace, they have to start using all types of technology and learn etiquettes from kindergarten until the completion of their chosen higher education program. All my rss feeds are very important to my AR project, if I am going to successfully execute my plans to stay connected with parents and engage/enlighten students with the latest technology, applications, tools, and resources.

My RSS feeds:
This blog shares information with educator whom use technology to teach.
I chose to include this site because it has amazing applications for edcautors to utilize and I want to stay updated.
Edubloggercon will keep me informed of the latest trends and tools.
This Web site will assist me in building my class Web site for my AR project.
This Web site is just for me... it shares the importance of educators having a Web site for parents.

Picture courtesy of