Saturday, July 3, 2010



My AR project is all about staying connected with parents and engaging students with the latest technology, media, applications, tools, and resources while utilizing a Web site.

School social networking to engage students and keep parents informed via Twiducate Blog Web application & Post discussions are a great way for students to connect, socialize, collaborate, share, learn, and express themselves and their Ideas. Whatever concern the students may have about school can be shared and considered. Educators should consider their students’ ideas to serve as motivation; it makes students feel good about their selves. Students would be able to post what they would like to learn as well as how they would prefer to learn, because students should think creatively, regularly. The class can dialog about ways to stay engaged with activities, assignments, and projects to make it an enjoyable experience while learning at the same time. I would encourage the class to inform their classmates of their fondest Readings and post their thoughts, to promote reading. They would be able to tell what they enjoy reading most and why. I could create and compose the beginning of a story, post it and have the students compose threads about what will happen next until it is completed, or give a mind teaser reading assignment. Then request their interpretation of the reading to help build their critical thinking skills and to enhance learners writing and grammar. Posting new vocabulary words and explaining how they have used their newfound words is a wonderful way for learners to collaborate and learn. Problem solving techniques, projects ideas, homework reminders, and deadlines can be helpful resources and reminders students would collaborate on, learn from, and assist each other with. Posted success stories for inspiration and insight would boost students self esteem, aid in motivation, and be rewarding, simple by allowing the spotlight to shine on learners’ social skills, creativity, hard work, learned resources, and team work abilities. Their efforts would be published on a Web site and on a Blog so that each of the students would offer feedback for a job well done and/or constructive criticism. Furthermore, students would have the opportunity to complete a survey to provide feedback, solutions, and needed improvements about the blog. Twiducate Blog would be embedded on the class Web site, or they would have an URL link to follow.

Pictures courtesy of


  1. Hi June, this was one of the first web 2.o tool that caught my eye also. I really believe this tool would be a great resource to any school district.

  2. June,
    I love that you've incorporated a mind map along with your Web 2.0 tool discovery. My AR project is very similar to yours, where I am introducing social media to see how it can be used for communication inside and outside of the classroom. I think Twiducate is a great tool and your examples for usage are awesome. I really like how you would publish student's accomplishments to the site. I think I can really use your input to work more for my students and program.
