Sunday, August 1, 2010


I want to learn the advance features that screeenflow offers such as: add video action, add audio action, add callout, curve types, zoom timelines, and the other various zoom features available. I know these features will enhance my sharing/tutorial sessions. I also need to know how to eliminate the clicking sound of the pointer when presenting. Transitioning is a feature I have not used in screenflow as part of my production of an imovie editing, but all the advance features mentioned, will be on the… to learn list, for optimum results.


The next time I used screenflow, I included text in my screenflow and enlarged the pointer while editing my assignment without me being present on the screen. It was different not seeing myself on the screen and having to entertain/share. I had to find ways to make sure the audience knew it was me delivering the message, but all in all, I had fun.


The first time I used screenflow - I have to admit, I was a little intimidated – I do not like feeling that way by no means. Therefore, I decided to read the manual two, three times for proper memory absorption to get started with my first screenflow assignment, that was merely basic. I used the iSight configuration where your photo is displayed on the screen as you share information or performing a tutorial.

Photo provided by ScreenFlow icon.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

BP12_Picnik_Final_tutorial_video is a photo editing tool that allows you to edit fabulous photos and have fun at the same time.

Photo of June Perry, as well as supplied and edited by June Perry.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Glogster is a great way for students and educators to create and display their skills/knowledge expressively using a digital poster application.

Picture from

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BP10_Comment to Tonneche's blog

Follow this link to Tonneche's blog.

Picture from twiducate Web site.

BP9_Comment to Nicole's blog

Follow this link to my comment on Nicole’s blog

Schoology is an Web 2.0 tool for 21st Century educators who offer social networking and learning management for learners.

Picture from Schoology Web site