Saturday, July 17, 2010


I am an educator who strongly believes learning should be fun, interesting, inviting, and motivating. I want to make sure I get every learner’s participation; therefore, I know I must incorporate learning activities that will certainly intrigue them. What other way would students think learning is cool?

A Web 2.0 application I explored that would raise learners’ eyebrows, turn frowns upside down, spark interest, boost creativity, and encourage class participation, is called xtranormal. After my investigation of this thought-provoking tool, I knew I stumbled on to something that would be perfect for my students and me. The xtranormal demo provided an awesome demonstration that immediately jump-started my creative juices… the same way I plan on setting the stage for my students.

Xtranormal is an application you can create amazing virtual movies of any kind, for any reason and it can be created in 3D (3D shows all angles). A lot of students are familiar with virtual worlds, communities, and movies; therefore, I should come to their neck of the woods. The demo stressed how easy it was to create movies without help from a movie crew… if you have access to a computer and can type in some words… you can be who you want to be (or be yourself) and create the movie you want, just pick your characters, select one of the many sets, and type or record your script to give your characters voice. The movies may be uploaded or e-mailed for sharing.

These are just a few ideas that flooded my mind with activities immediately upon watching the demo:

➢ I can create a 3D movie that might be for a science or math subject to see how the universe is manifested. It will emphasize multiple formations that will surely give students something to remember.
➢ To learn about the human body in 3D is awesome; it will show all angles of the human organs inside and out, bones inside and out, the heart inside and out, skin, hair, nails, eye - well you get the idea.
➢ I can host my own talk show (create a movie using xtranormal application) to share new information or ask students questions about interesting lessons/topics, issue of concern, what they think about projects/activities prior to it being due and much more. How will I do this? First, I create a lesson plan or activity. Second, I distribute the composed material to the class. After students review the requirements, I submit a survey to class asking them to keep it anonymous. Third, I can create a movie using characters who utter many of their responses from the survey. Finally, I show the amazing movie to the class at school then post it on the class Web site. I want them to be amazed about what their teacher presented to them… a virtual model animation of their class and the responses they provided… the way they would have actually responded. What happens next? Students start talking about who they believe said what in the movie, sharing information initiated, and collaboration begins. This will spark an immediate interest to visit the class Web site where many of the movies will be embedded as I informed them. Students will be eager to create and share their own movies with the class.
➢ I can create impressive presentations and power points to introduce the class to future lessons using characters in movie form. This would be one way to connect with students and be innovative.
➢ I can create my own news show series or create a reporter to share important information about educational issues on various subjects. This would be created to inform the class in different ways and to stabilize interest.
➢ During a holiday, I can make a movie and invite each student welcoming their parents to the holiday party via a email. This may encourage parent participation.

Picture courtesy of

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