Friday, July 2, 2010


I have worked for Baltimore City Public Schools for several years now and I have noticed it being a challenge connecting with parents as well as keeping students motivated about learning while away from the classroom. It is crucial that parents are actively involved with their child’s teacher and stay abreast of their child’s progress through out the school year. Therefore, I felt the need to create a way to stay connected with parents as well as engage/enlighten students conveniently via the Internet by building a Web site to collaborate, inform, notify, and share while using the latest technology, applications, teaching tools, and resources. My rss feed ivyacademia (the Web site of a charter school in Ca.) states the importance of having a teacher/school Web site. They mentioned what parents have access to when they come to their school’s Web site (grades, homework, attendance, etc.). They call their school a power school with online tools, parent access and involvement. Keeping students actively engaged in learning while away from school and the classroom. This is important because many learners lose what they do not use. That is why I chose: Go2web20-it offers a lot of great applications and tools to assist the 21st century educator in engaging their learners with applications such as foodical – it informs you of the food you eat; togetherville is an online community for kids; and lifeyo provides you the tools, to build the Web site you have always dreamt of. Blog4teachers shares loads of useful resources and Web sites, such as the hottest Web sites; the most popular teaching tools/gadgets and has posted a Federal free resource for educators like free lesson plans, rare photos, and movies. Edutopia lets you know what schools work, what high performing schools are doing, and keeps you abreast of the latest technology to use. Hotchalk is one awesome Web site; it provides everything to assist teachers, students, and parents. It also, has a lot of applications and tools I can use when I build my own AR project Web site. The Web site will permit the parent, the student, and the teacher to be on the same page – a Web page. Students are already using technology on their own and I plan on jumping on their wagon, meeting and teaching them where they hang out the most, so to speak, so they will acquire skills to build on and succeed. The old method of teaching is recognized for being the wrong way to teach today’s student – by means of merely textbooks and paper. The old method has proved not to prepare students for what industries are looking for such as working with others well; having critical thinking abilities; skilled with technology; developed leadership skills; team work responsibility/accountability awareness; presentation/public speaking experience; and how to keep up in an ever changing society. In order to make sure today’s learners are well prepared for adulthood and the workplace, they have to start using all types of technology and learn etiquettes from kindergarten until the completion of their chosen higher education program. All my rss feeds are very important to my AR project, if I am going to successfully execute my plans to stay connected with parents and engage/enlighten students with the latest technology, applications, tools, and resources.

My RSS feeds:
This blog shares information with educator whom use technology to teach.
I chose to include this site because it has amazing applications for edcautors to utilize and I want to stay updated.
Edubloggercon will keep me informed of the latest trends and tools.
This Web site will assist me in building my class Web site for my AR project.
This Web site is just for me... it shares the importance of educators having a Web site for parents.

Picture courtesy of

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